Prospective Book Authors
Thank you for considering Equinox. If your project suits one of our series, you should communicate in the first instance with the series editor whose details can be found on the respective series pages of this website. If your project falls outside any of our series, we are still happy to consider it. Please send us a proposal following the guidelines found in this Author Guidelines PDF and send it to the appropriate subject editor. If in doubt, contact Janet Joyce. Proposals accompanied by sample chapters or draft manuscripts are subject to peer review (usually double-blind). We may also offer a contract based on a strong proposal and wait until we receive a draft to arrange reviews. Generally, we follow the guidelines outlines in the AAUP’s Handbook of Best Practices in Peer Review. aaup-best-practices-for-peer-review
Archaeology & Material Culture/Food History, Linguistics, Religion
Janet Joyce: [email protected]m
Popular Music and Jazz
Alyn Shipton: Visit Alyn’s website to contact Alyn
Link below to download our general guidelines for submitting a book proposal and note our policy regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence tools:
Use of AI tools:
Equinox does not accept text, images, graphics or translations generated directly by Artificial Intelligence, as the originality of such content cannot be guaranteed. Authors of Equinox publications must be accountable for their work, and accountability cannot be effectively applied to Artificial Intelligence at this stage. It is acceptable to use the assistance of AI-powered tools in proof-reading, formatting, the visualisation of data, and in any other way that does not call into question the author’s sole ownership of the content of the work. If Artificial Intelligence is the subject of an article or chapter, then examples of AI-generated content must be clearly marked and attributed in the text, and the express permission of Equinox secured.
Contracted Book Authors
Submitting Manuscripts & Clearing Permissions
Once your manuscript is complete, contact Val Hall to make arrangements for submitting it to us. Please refer to the following PDFs for detailed guidelines for clearing permissions for use of copyrighted material. We also recommend that authors make use of PLSclear a site hosted by the PLS (Publishers Licensing Society) where you can request permission for content re-use.
Author Promotion Form for Contracted Books
Guidance on author bios is: X is job title, department at university name, university location plus any research interests or recent publications. (100 words maximum).
Permissions guidelines for Equinox authors & editors
ARSC Guide to Audio Preservation (see Appendix A for ‘Fair Use’ Survey) (1) This is useful for information on current thinking about the doctrine of ‘fair use’ (in the USA) and recorded music.
US Copyright Office — Fair Use Index This site was recently launched by the US govt. and provides instances of court cases in which Fair Use was involved in a court opinion.
Music Copyright Tutorials This is a link to 3 short YouTube videos provided by Kathleen DeLaurenti about the basics of copyright for musical compositions.
Author Discounts
All Equinox book authors, series editors, journal editors and members of journal editorial boards can order any of our books or journals at an author discount of 35%. To register for this please email Val Hall who will supply the appropriate code for you to use when you order on our website or by phone. If you want to order more than 10 copies at any time, contact Val for a better discount. To request that we set a purchase against your author royalties, contact Val Hall.
Marketing Your Book
We welcome suggestions for marketing your book. Please keep an eye on the list of conferences (see website listing) we participate in and if we are not listing something appropriate to your book, send us details. We also produce flyers for mailings or for your own use, so let us know if you need any. Your book will continue to be marketed as long as it remains in print. Contact Val Hall if you have any suggestions.
Royalty Queries
Royalties are paid annually between April and October each year. Please contact Janet Joyce with any queries.
Royalties can only be done once we have the full sales information for that year, which is some time into the following year.