Himmas Kassa: The Mother of all Hummus
The Oldest Documented Recipes for Hummus
حمّص كسا
وصفات عربية قديمة للحمّص بطحينة
A fourteenth-century recipe for Himmas Kassa (mashed/pounded chickpeas); for source, see caption below:
Recipe from 14th-century Kitab Wasf al-At’ima al-Mu’tada (augmented version of al-Baghdadi’s 13th-century Kitab al-Tabeekh, p. 113; Manuscript copy in Cairo: Dar al-Kutub al-Qawmiyya, no. Taimur Sina’a 11, originally copied from 14th-century MS now in Topkapi Saray Humayuni. |
Translation of the Recipe:
Take chickpeas and after they boil, pound them finely with vinegar, olive oil, tahini (sesame paste), black pepper, atraf teeb (spice blend), mint, …read more