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Published in 2023
All Previously Published
¡Maldito Coronavirus!
Mapping Latin American Musical Responses to the Pandemic Moment
Daniel S. Margolies and J.A. Strub
5001 Nights at the Movies
The Essential Kael Collection: From the Silents to the '90s
Pauline Kael
A Bibliography and Literature Review of Quaternary Entomology
P.C. Buckland and G.R. Coope
A Critical Edition of ‘Umdat al-Nāzir ‘alā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓā ‘ir
Khadiga Musa
A Culinary Campaign
Edited by Elizabeth Ray; Introduction by Michael Barthorp
Alexis Soyer
A History of Biblical Israel
Philippe Guillaume and Ernst Axel Knauf
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem
Excavations by K.M. Kenyon in Jerusalem 1961-1967
H. J. Franken
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga
Revised Edition
Peter Connolly
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr
The Life and Thought of Abū cAbd al-Raḥmān al-Sulamī
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Systemic History of the Middle Way
Its Biological, Psycho-developmental, and Cultural Conditions (Volume III)
Robert M. Ellis
About Chinese Women
Julia Kristeva
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period
Recent Research and Approaches from Archaeology, Hebrew Bible Studies and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Benedikt Hensel, Ehud Ben Zvi and Diana V. Edelman (eds)
The Source of Dogma, Repression, and Conflict (Volume I)
Robert M. Ellis
Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation
Heather Eaton and Lauren Levesque (eds)
Aging in an Aging Society
Critical Reflections
Monique Lanoix and Iva Apostolova (eds)
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas
The Book of Visions and its Role in Moral Formation
Angela Kim Harkins
An Unholy Row
Jazz in Britain and its Audience, 1945–1960
Dave Gelly
Analysing Literary Sumerian
Corpus-based Approaches
Edited by Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham
Ancient Cookware from the Levant
An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective
Gloria London
And Then Your Soul is Gone
Moral Injury and U.S. War-culture
Kelly Denton-Borhaug
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record
New Approaches, New Dimensions
Laerke Recht and Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska (eds)
Anime, Religion and Spirituality
Profane and Sacred Worlds in Contemporary Japan
Katharine Buljan and Carole M. Cusack (eds.)
Antipodean Riffs
Essays on Australasian Jazz
Bruce Johnson (ed)
Archaeology at Home
Notes on Things, Life and Time
Hein B. Bjerck
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil
Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data
Edited by Colin Haselgrove, Martin Millett, Ian Smith
Archaeology of Urban Bondage
The New York African Burial Ground
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe
David J. Govantes-Edwards (ed)
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond
A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration
Robert M. Ellis
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk
Cameron Gokee
Winner of the 2016-2018 Book Prize of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA).
Atheism in Five Minutes
Teemu Taira (ed)
Back to Reason
Minimalism in Biblical Studies
Niels Peter Lemche
Bad Movies We Love
Edward Margulies and Stephen Rebello
Be Like Adam's Son
Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region
Fernanda Fischione and Arturo Monaco (eds)
Being Prez
The Life and Music of Lester Young
Dave Gelly
Being Viking
Heathenism in Contemporary America
Jefferson Calico
Belly Dance
The Dance of Mother Earth
Tina Hobin
Between Pride and Despair
Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests
Queensland Review: Special Issue (Vol. 28 No 2 (2021))
Kerrie Foxwell-Norton and Iain McCalman (eds)
Beyond 2.0
The Future of Music
Steve Collins and Sherman Young
Beyond Economics and Ecology
The Radical Thought of Ivan Illich
Ivan Illich, edited by Sajay Samuel
Beyond Meditation
Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality
Edited by Michael Pye
A Beti Dance Music on the Rise, 1970 – 1990
Anja Brunner
Bill Russell and the New Orleans Jazz Revival
Ray Smith, Mike Pointon
Nicola Dibben
Bob Dylan
Keith Negus
Body Talk and Cultural Identity in the African World
Augustine Agwuele, (ed.)
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings
James W. Watts and Yohan Yoo (eds)
Brian Wilson
Kirk Curnutt
Buddhism and Ireland
From the Celts to the Counter-Culture and Beyond
Laurence Cox
Buddhism in Five Minutes
Elizabeth Harris (ed)
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Path, Buddhist Teachings
Studies in Memory of L.S. Cousins
Naomi Appleton and Peter Harvey (eds)
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity
Theravāda and Tibetan Perspectives
Douglas Duckworth, Abraham Vélez de Cea and Elizabeth Harris (eds)
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority
A Tribute to the Work of Michael Jerryson
Margo Kitts and Mark Juergensmeyer (eds)
Buddy Holly
Dave Laing
Building Blocks of Religion
Critical Applications and Future Prospects
Göran Larsson, Andreas Nordin and Jonas Svensson (eds)
Castles and Landscapes
Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England
O.H. Creighton
Cathy Come Home
Jeremy Sandford
Celestial India
Madame Blavatsky and the Birth of Indian Nationalism
Isaac Lubelsky
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts
Non-Human Animals in South Asian Myth, Ritual and Folklore
Edited by Fabrizio M. Ferrari and Thomas Dähnhardt
Chasin’ the Bird
The Life and Legacy of Charlie Parker
Brian Priestley
Chasing Down Religion
Panayotis Pachis, Donald Wiebe (eds.)
Children in Minority Religions
Growing up in Controversial Religious Groups
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Akerback, Sanja Nilsson
Chinese Buddhism Today
Conservatism, Modernism, Syncretism and Enjoying Life on the Buddha’s Light Mountain
Yu-Shuang Yao and Richard Gombrich
Citadel and Cemetary in Early Bronze Age Anatolia
(Volume 13)
Christoph Bachhuber
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion
Social and Rhetorical Techniques Examined
Edited by Monica R. Miller
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine
Raz Kletter, Liora Kolska Horwitz and Emanuel Pfoh (eds)
Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration
Edited by Håkon Glørstad, Lene Melheim, Zanette Glørstad
A Critical Primer
Aaron W. Hughes
Constellated Ministry
A Guide for Those Serving Today’s Pagans
Holli S. Emore
Constructing "Data" in Religious Studies
Examining the Architecture of the Academy
Leslie Dorrough Smith (ed)
Consuming Passions
The Dynamics of Popular Culture
Judith Williamson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism
A Swedish Case Study
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion
Peter Antes, Armin W. Geertz, Mikael Rothstein, eds.
Contours of the Flesh
The Semiotics of Pain
Darlene M. Juschka
Cooking & Dining in the Victorian Country House
Peter Brears
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology
(Volume 16)
Sturt W. Manning (ed)
Critical Theory and Early Christianity
Matthew G. Whitlock (ed)
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity
Britta Sweers and Sarah Ross (eds)
Deadline at Dawn
Film Criticism 1980-1990
Judith Williamson
Death's Dominion
Power, Identity, and Memory at the Fourth-Century Martyr Shrine
Nathaniel J. Morehouse
Debating Orientalization
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Change in the Ancient Mediterranean, (Volume 10)
Edited by Corinna Riva, Nicholas C. Vella
Decoding Advertisements
Ideology and Meaning in Advertising
Judith Williamson
Delights from the Garden of Eden
A Cookbook and History of the Iraqi Cuisine, Second Edition
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden (abbreviated second edition)
A Cookbook and History of the Iraqi Cuisine
Nawal Nasrallah
An Autobiography
Tomasz Stańko, as told to Rafał Księżyk
translated by Halina Maria Boniszewska
Outside the Box
Diana V. Edelman and Philippe Guillaume (eds)
Distant Views of the Holy Land
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
Divine Covenant
Science and Concepts of Natural Law in the Qur’an and Islamic Disciplines
Ulrika Martensson
DIY: The Rise of Lo-Fi Culture
Do You Want to Know a Secret?
The Autobiography of Billly J. Kramer
Billy J. Kramer with Alyn Shipton
Dogville vs Hollywood
The War between Independent Film and Mainstream Movies
Jake Horsley
Dora Bright
Her Life and Works in the Public Eye
Anthony Bilton
Drawn to Sound
Animation Film Music and Sonicity
Rebecca Coyle† (ed.)
Dub in Babylon
Dub Reggae in Jamaica and Britain from King Tubby to Post-punk
Christopher Partridge
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works
A Study in Authoring, Compiling, and Editing Texts in the Tibetan Revelatory Tradition
Cathy Cantwell (with a chapter by Robert Mayer)
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe
Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping with Change (Volume 3)
Hans Peter Blankholm (ed)
Earogenous Zones
Sound, Sexuality and Cinema
Bruce Johnson (ed.)
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text
Muslims and Christians as Trustees of Creation
David L. Johnston
East by Mid-East
Studies in Cultural, Historical and Strategic Connectivities
Edited by Anchi Hoh, Brannon Wheeler
Eberhard Weber
A German Jazz Story
Eberhard Weber
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe
Conditions for Subsistence and Survival (Volume 1)
P. Persson, F. Riede, B. Skar, H. Breivik, L. Jonsson (eds)
Edna, the Inebriate Woman
Jeremy Sandford
Roots, Image, Comeback, Phenomenon
Mark Duffett
Elvis Costello
Dai Griffiths
Embodied Reception
South Asian Spiritualities in Contemporary Contexts
Henriette Hanky, Knut. A. Jacobsen and István Keul (eds)
Embodiment and Black Religion
Rethinking the Body in African American Religious Experience
CERCL Writing Collective
A Critical Primer
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Enclosing the Past
Inside and Outside in Prehistory (Volume 15); Edited by Anthony Harding, Susanne Sievers, Natalie Venclová
Enlightened Martyrdom
The Hidden Side of Falun Gong
James R. Lewis (ed)
Marking Place in the Field of Religion
Russell T. McCutcheon
Entering the Stream to Enlightenment
Experiences of the Stages of the Buddhist Path in Contemporary Sri Lanka
Yuki Sirimane
European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling
Jenny Berglund (ed)
Everyday Humanism
Edited by Dale McGowan and Anthony B. Pinn
A Critical Primer
Kenneth G. MacKendrick
Excavations at 33-35 Eastgate, Beverley, 1983-86
Edited by D.H. Evans and D.G. Tomlinson
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists
Ibn Taymiyya's
Rafʿ al-Malām ʿan al-Aʾimma al-Aʿlām
in Translation
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions
Morny Joy (ed)
Exploring Hindu Philosophy
Ankur Barua
Exploring Shinto
Michael Pye (ed)
Exploring the Holy Land
150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund
David Gurevich and Anat Kidron (eds)
Fabricating Authenticity
Jason W.M. Ellsworth and Andie Alexander (eds)
Fabricating Difference
Steven Ramey (ed)
Fabricating Identities
Russell T. McCutcheon (ed)
Fabricating Origins
Russell T. McCutcheon
Falco and Beyond
Neo Nothing Post of All
Ewa Mazierska
Fertile Crossroads
Elites and Exchange in the Southern Levant's Early Iron Age
Sarah Malena
Finding Myth and History in the Bible
Scholarship, Scholars and Errors
Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano, Chiara Peri and Jim West (eds.)
First Civilizations
Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition)
Robert Chadwick
Food Rules and Rituals
Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2023
Mark McWilliams (ed)
Building a Personal Canon, Part I
Brad Mehldau
Four Stories
The Touch / Cries and Whispers / The Hour of the Wolf / A Passion
Ingmar Bergman
Framing Archaeology in the Near East
The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork
Ianir Milevski, Thomas E Levy (eds.)
French Film Noir
Robin Buss
From Tapas to Modern Yoga
Sādhus’ Understanding of Embodied Practices
Daniela Bevilacqua
Global Phenomenologies of Religion
An Oral History in Interviews
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjel and Steven Engler (eds)
Global Tribe
Technology, Spirituality and Psytrance
Graham St John
Ethics and Aesthetics in Contexts of Conflict and Reconciliation
Volker Küster
Gothic Fantasy
The Films of Tim Burton
Edwin Page
Grażyna Bacewicz
Joanna Sendłak
translated by Halina Maria Boniszewska
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm
Ayed S. Aldosari
Handful of Keys
Conversations with Thirty Jazz Pianists
Alyn Shipton
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples
A Neurocognitive Approach
Olympia Panagiotidou
Hear My Train A Comin’
The Songs of Jimi Hendrix
Kevin Le Gendre
Heavy Metal
Controversies and Countercultures
Titus Hjelm, Keith Kahn-Harris and Mark LeVine (eds.)
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation
Lessons from Antiquity
Luther H. Martin, Panayotis Pachis (eds)
Hidden Man
My Many Musical Lives
John Altman
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt
John Baines
A Critical Treatment of the Public Rhetoric of Good and Bad Religion
Leslie Dorrough Smith, Steffen Führding & Adrian Hermann (eds)
Hinduism in Five Minutes
Steven W. Ramey (ed)
Hired Guns
Portraits of Women in Alternative Music
Amanda Kramer and Wayne Byrne
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition
Explorations into Faith, Hope and Charity
Edited by James Symonds, Anna Badcock, Jeff Oliver
Historical Consciousness and the Use of the Past in the Ancient World
Yi Samuel Chen, John Baines, Henriette van der Blom and Tim Rood (eds)
How and Why Books Matter
Essays on the Social Function of Iconic Texts
James W. Watts
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China
Jungnok Park
I Lost It at the Movies
Ibn ’Arabi and the Contemporary West
Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Iconic Books and Texts
Edited by James W. Watts
Identifying Roots
Alex Haley and the Anthropology of Scriptures
Richard W. Newton, Jr.
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam
Current Dilemmas in the Study of Religions
Edited by Matt K. Sheedy
If I Forget You, Jerusalem!
Studies on the Old Testament
Niels Peter Lemche
Ilchester Volume 2
Archaeology, Excavations and Fieldwork to 1984
Edited by Peter Leach
Indecent Exposures
Bunuel, Saura, Erice and Almodovar
Gwynne Edwards
Indian Cookery
Richard Terry
Indian Religions
Renaissance and Renewal
Edited by Anna S. King
Indigenizing Movements in Europe
Graham Harvey (ed)
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes
Molly Bassett and Natalie Avalos (eds)
Ingmar Bergman
The Cinema as Mistress
Philip Mosley
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism
Explorations and Viewpoints in Twentieth Century Kyōto
Edited by Michael Pye
A Critical Primer
Nathan Eric Dickman
Islam and the Tyranny of Authenticity
An Inquiry into Disciplinary Apologetics and Self-Deception
Aaron Hughes
Ivor Cutler
A Life Outside the Sitting Room
Bruce Lindsay
James Brown
John Scannell
Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage
Michael Pye
Jazz Me Blues
The Autobiography of Chris Barber
Chris Barber† with Alyn Shipton
Jazz Visions
Lennie Tristano and His Legacy
Peter Ind
Jelly Roll Morton's Last Night at the Jungle Inn
Samuel Charters
Jesus and Addiction to Origins
Toward an Anthropocentric Study of Religion
Willi Braun
Russell T. McCutcheon (ed)
Nearly Everything You Wanted To Know*
*But Were Too Afraid to Ask
Peter Cave and Dan Cohn-Sherbok
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity
Joshua Schachterle
An Archaeological Reader
Edited by Russell B. Adams
From Improbable Stories to Inventive Historiography
Lowell K. Handy
Kansas City Jazz
A Little Evil Will Do You Good
Con Chapman
Keith Jarrett
A Biography
Wolfgang Sandner
translated by Chris Jarrett
Key Categories in the Study of Religion
Contexts and Critiques
Rebekka King (ed)
Knowing God, Knowing Emptiness
An Epistemological Exploration of Bernard Lonergan, Karl Rahner and Nāgārjuna
John N.C. Robinson
A Private Life in Jazz
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
translated by Halina Maria Boniszewska
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals
Yohan Yoo
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini
The Origins and Coherence of his Position
Simon Atkinson
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality
Edited by Michael Pye
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the 5th-2nd Centuries BCE
Diana V. Edelman, Ehud Ben Zvi (eds.)
Lee Morgan
His Life, Music and Culture
Tom Perchard
Legacies of the Occult
Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Unconscious Communication
Marsha Hewitt
Levantine Entanglements
Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean
Terje Stordalen and Øystein S. LaBianca (eds)
Liebig Company's Practical Cookery Book
Compiled by Hannah M. Young, 1894
Hannah M. Young
Lionel Richie
Sharon Davis
Listening to Shin Buddhism
Starting Points of Modern Dialogue
Edited by Michael Pye
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles
A Survivor’s Guide
Gary Hall
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean
(Volume 18)
Linda R. Gosner and Jeremy Hayne (eds)
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia
Andrea Seri
London, 1100-1600
The Archaeology of a Capital City
John Schofield
Long Agos and Worlds Apart
The Definitive Small Faces Biography
Sean Egan
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Approaches to Video Game Music
Michiel Kamp, Tim Summers, Mark Sweeney (eds.)
Writings '67-'72
John Cage
Madeira, Port, Sherry
The Equinox Companion to Fortified Wines
Piotr Nagórka
Many Buddhas, One Buddha
A Study and Translation of Avadānaśataka 1-40
Naomi Appleton
Marine Ventures
Archaeological Perspectives on Human-Sea Relations
edited by Hein B. Bjerck,
et al
Medieval Towns
The Archaeology of British Towns in their European Setting
John Schofield, Alan Vince†
Mediterranean Resilience
Collapse and Adaptation in Antique Maritime Societies
Assaf Yasur-Landau, Gil Gambash and Thomas E. Levy (eds)
Method Today
Redescribing Approaches to the Study of Religion
Brad Stoddard (ed)
Methods for the Study of Religious Change
From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies
André Droogers, Anton van Harskamp (eds.)
Miniature Books
The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts
Kristina Myrvold and Dorina Miller Parmenter (eds)
Modern Cookery for Private Families
Eliza Acton
With an introduction by Elizabeth Ray
Monumentality, Place-making and Social Interaction on Late Bronze Age Cyprus
(Volume 17)
Kevin D. Fisher
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus
(Volume 9)
Priscilla Keswani
The Music of Graham Collier
Duncan Heining
Movies, Moves and Music
The Sonic World of Dance Films
Mary Fogarty and Mark Evans (eds.)
Mr P.C.
The Life and Music of Paul Chambers
Rob Palmer
Muslim Identities
An Introduction to Islam
Second Edition
Aaron W. Hughes
Muslim Qurʾānic Interpretation Today
Media, Genealogies and Interpretive Communities
Johanna Pink
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love
David L. Johnston
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography
Mario Liverani
Edited by Zainab Bahrani, Marc Van De Mieroop
Myth Theorized
Robert A. Segal
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism
Edited by Naomi Appleton
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses
Perspectives from Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era
Ludovico Battista, Maria Fallica and Beatrice Tramontano (eds)
New Age in Norway
Ingvild Sælid Gilhus, Siv Ellen Kraft and James R. Lewis (eds)
New Antiquities
Transformations of Ancient Religion in the New Age and Beyond
Dylan M. Burns, Almut-Barbara Renger (eds)
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery
Dalit Regev
New Orleans
Playing a Jazz Chorus
Samuel Charters
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden
The Dalarna Study in National and International Context
Liselotte Frisk and Peter Åkerbäck
Nick Cave
A Study of Love, Death and Apocalypse
Roland Boer
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan
A Different Meditative Paradigm
Grzegorz Polak
Nina Simone
Richard Elliott
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot
Islam and the Struggle for Religious Pluralism in Pakistan
David Pinault
Nothing could be Further from the Truth
Collected Columns of Reed M.N. Weep
Reed M.N. Weep
On the Subject of Religion
Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study
James Dennis LoRusso (ed)
Open up the Doors
Music in the Modern Church
Mark Evans
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere
A Genealogy of the Modern Essentialist Image of Islam
Dietrich Jung
Out of the Long Dark
The Life of Ian Carr
Alyn Shipton
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes
Suzanne Owen and Angela Puca (eds)
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician
On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-nets
Dalit Regev
Peripheral Concerns
Urban Development in the Bronze Age Southern Levant
Susan Cohen
Persona and Shame
Ingmar Bergman
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art
Jan Magne Gjerde, Mari Strifeldt Arntzen, eds.
Philosophical Perspectives on Modern Qur'anic Exegesis
Key Paradigms and Concepts
Massimo Campanini
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice
Disengaging Ritual in Ancient India, Greece and Beyond
Peter Jackson and Anna-Pya Sjödin, (eds.)
Piece of My Heart
On the Road with Janis Joplin
David Dalton
Play, Pain and Religion
Creating Gestalt through Kink Encounter
Alison Robertson
Playing God
Belief and Ritual in the Muttappan Cult of North Malabar
Theodore Gabriel
Playing the Scene of Religion
Beauvoir and Faith
Karen Zoppa
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt
A Dark Side to Perfection
R.B. Parkinson
Portable Food
Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2022
Post-lineage Yoga
From Guru to #MeToo
Theo Wildcroft
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns
An Intersectional Study
Mitra Härkönen
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age
Sending Out an S.O.S.
Nicola Lercari, Willeke Wendrich, Benjamin Porter, Margie M. Burton and Thomas E. Levy (eds)
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces
Miroslav Bárta, Jiří Janák (eds)
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism
John Reeves
Prophecy and Power Muhammad and the Qur’an in the Light of Comparison
Marilyn Robinson Waldman
Edited by:Bruce B. Lawrence, Robert M. Baum, Lindsay Jones
Provincial Headz
British Hip Hop and Critical Regionalism
Adam de Paor-Evans
Quintessential Tarantino
Edwin Page
Recent Developments in the Archaeology of the Peak District
Edited by Richard Hodges and Ken Smith
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith
Based on the Quantitative and the Isnād-cum-Matn Analysis
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng
A Systemic Functional Approach to Translations of the Platform Sutra
Hailing Yu
Red Book, Middle Way
How Jung Parallels the Buddha’s Method for Human Integration
Robert M. Ellis
Reframing Authority
The Role of Media and Materiality
Laura Feldt and Christian Høgel (eds)
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity
(Volume 15)
Alex R. Knodell and Thomas P. Leppard (eds)
Religion and Marxism
An Introduction
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Senses of Place
Graham Harvey and Opinderjit Takhar (eds)
Religion and Sight
Louise Child and Aaron Rosen (eds)
Religion and Touch
Christina Welch and Amy Whitehead (eds)
Religion as Relation
Studying Religion in Context
Peter Berger, Marjo Buitelaar and Kim Knibbe (eds)
Religion Evolving
Cultural, Cognitive, and Ecological Dynamics
Benjamin Grant Purzycki and Richard Sosis
Religion in Five Minutes
Aaron Hughes, Russell T. McCutcheon (eds.)
Religion in Theory and Practice
Demystifying the Field for Burgeoning Academics
Russell T. McCutcheon
Religion, Death and the Senses
Christina Welch and Jasmine Hazel Shadrack (eds)
Religions of a Single God
A Critical Introduction to Monotheisms from Judaism to Baha'i
Zeba A. Crook
Religions of the World
Questions, Challenges, and New Directions
Leslie Dorrough Smith and Steven W. Ramey
Remembering J. Z. Smith
A Career and its Consequence
Emily D. Crews and Russell T. McCutcheon (eds)
Representations of Antiquity in Film
From Griffith to Grindhouse
Kevin M. McGeough
Researching Global Religious Landscapes
A Methodology between Universalism and Particularism
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman, Nurit Novis-Deutsch and Rafael Fernández Hart (eds)
Resistance to Empire and Militarization
Reclaiming the Sacred
Jude Lal Fernando (ed)
Restoring the Chain of Memory
T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge
James Cox
Ritual and Democracy
Protests, Publics and Performances
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