Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology
A. Bernard Knapp [+–]
Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute
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Editorial Board
John F. Cherry Brown University Lin Foxhall University of Liverpool Alfredo Gonzalez-Ruibal Spanish National Research Council John Robb Cambridge University Felipe Rojas Brown University Susan Sherratt University of Sheffield Peter van Dommelen Brown University David Wengrow University College London
Aimed at the international archaeological community, Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology (MMA) seeks significant new contributions from the multicultural world of Mediterranean archaeology, publishing problem-oriented studies that present a solid, extensive corpus of archaeological data within a sound theoretical and/or methodological framework. MMA volumes deal with major archaeological issues related to the islands and lands or regions that border (or impact on) the Mediterranean Sea. No constraints are placed on the period of focus, from Palaeolithic through early Modern. We encourage contributions that treat the social, politico-economic and ideological aspects of local or regional production and development; issues related to social interaction and change or exchange; or more specific and contemporary issues such as gender, agency, identity, representation, phenomenology, landscape, etc. MMA volumes might include, in addition to original case studies: revised Ph.D. dissertations; well-structured and coherently interpreted final excavation or survey reports; tightly edited conference proceedings or other collections of high quality and general interest. Purely descriptive excavation reports or survey results will not be considered.
Series Guidelines
the series follows the style guidelines of the Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology. Download
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