Studies in Communication in Organisations and Professions
Srikant Sarangi [+–]
Aalborg University
His research interests include: institutional and professional discourse; quality of life and risk communication in genetic counselling, HIV/AIDS, telemedicine, general practice and palliative care;
intercultural pragmatics; language and identity in public life; ethnicity, race and discrimination in multicultural societies.
He is author and editor of twelve books, guest-editor of five journal special issues and has published nearly two hundred book chapters and journal articles in leading journals in discourse and communication. He is the editor of Text & Talk as well as the founding editor of Communication & Medicine and with (C. N. Candlin) of Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice.
A central aim of this innovative Series is to build bridges between communication and discourse studies and a broad range of professional, organisational, and workplace sites by foregrounding authoritative analyses of real-life practice – in collaborative, informed and explanatory ways. The Series will provide an interdisciplinary and interprofessional forum for dialogue between academic researchers and professional/workplace communities and organisations. Examples of appropriate fields of inquiry for the Series would include: social and community welfare, medicine and healthcare, counselling and therapy, education, law, media, management and business, policy and government, development studies etc. Coherence among books in the Series will be achieved through their common concern with cross-over concepts such as power, diversity, identity, agency, decision-making, expertise, risk, appraisal and evaluation.
Language and communication issues are increasingly recognised as a primary factor in a range of organisations and professions in determining their effectiveness in service delivery as well as conditioning their continued viability. New social, political, and economic challenges facing such professions and organisations inevitably lead to transformations in their communicative practices – both with regard to the organisational aspects of managing information and interpersonal relations within an institution as well as the communicative demands made on them in encounters with equinox. In understanding and explaining these processes the constructive role of those language and communication studies which adopt discourse analytic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic approaches to analysis cannot be underestimated.
The Series Editors and the publisher welcome proposals from as wide a range of sources as possible, from both younger scholars and more experienced academics engaged in project research. The Series will particularly encourage joint authorship involving language/communication researchers and professional practitioners. High quality and targeted edited volumes will also be considered for inclusion.
Founding Editor with Srikant Sarangi: Christopher N. Candlin †