9 Repentance ۞ Al-Tawba
The Qurʾān - A New Annotated Translation - Arthur Droge
A. J. Droge [+ ]
A. J. Droge is the author of Homer or Moses? Early Christian Interpretations of the History of Culture and, with James Tabor, of A Noble Death: Suicide and Martyrdom among Christians and Jews in Antiquity.
This sūra deals with various matters connected with struggling for the cause of God. It opens with a renunciation of all treaty obligations with the ‘idolaters.’ This is followed by a short exhortation to fight against the ‘People of the Book.’ Then comes a sustained diatribe against the ‘hypocrites’ and others for their refusal to fight alongside the Prophet. It concludes by emphasizing again the duty to struggle for the cause.