11 The Old Kingdom or the Pyramid Age (2575–2134 BC)
First Civilizations - Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition) - Robert Chadwick
Robert Chadwick [+ ]
Bishop's University
This chapter deals with the period of time during which Egypt experienced a long uninterrupted period of economic prosperity and political stability that was a continuation of the previous period which had seen the unification of Egypt ruled by a king who was elevated to a semi-divine status. Topics covered include: - organization of the kingdom - concepts of the afterlife - concepts of the soul - pit graves - changes in funerary structures - the step pyramid of Djoser - step pyramid or stage 'mastaba?' - development of the true pyramid - the pyramid shape- - the bent pyramid at Dashur - the pyramid at Giza - mysteries of the pyramid - who built the pyramids - pyramid construction, passages, techniques and raising the stones - the legacy of the pyramids