Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema - Philip Hayward

Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema - Philip Hayward

Inflamed: Synthetic Folk Music and Paganism in the Island World of The Wicker Man

Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema - Philip Hayward

Jon Fitzgerald [+-]
Southern Cross University
Jon Fitzgerald is an associate professor at Southern Cross University, Lismore, and a practising guitarist and composer. He has previously written on a variety of musical topics and is author of Popular Music: Theory and Musicianship (1999).
Philip Hayward [+-]
Southern Cross Univeristy
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Philip Hayward has taught film and popular music studies in Australia and the United Kingdom and is Professor and Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) at Southern Cross University, Australia. His previous books include Off The Planet: Music, Sound and Science Fiction Cinema (2004) and he is a performer in an avant garde chainsaw quartet performing work written by composer Michael Hannan.


About The Wicker Man 's soundtrack. The Wicker Man is distinct within both British horror cinema and, indeed, British cinema more generally, for the manner in which its music and sound design enhance and colour the mythical–magical scenarios it represents. More than this, its soundtrack operates to represent – and thereby offer clues as to – the particular manipulations of social mores, spirituality and customs it offers.

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Fitzgerald, Jon; Hayward, Philip. Inflamed: Synthetic Folk Music and Paganism in the Island World of The Wicker Man. Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 101 - 111 Jul 2009. ISBN 9781845532024. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=19126. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.19126. Jul 2009

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