Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema - Philip Hayward

Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema - Philip Hayward

Rhythms of Evil: Exorcizing Sound from The Exorcist

Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema - Philip Hayward

Mark Evans [+-]
Macquarie University
Mark Evans is Head of the Department of Contemporary Music Studies at Macquarie University and is co-editor of Perfect Beat - The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture. He has published articles on a range of topics, including: the use of sound in the 'Matrix' films; copyright; CD-Rom; Christian music; rock journalism; and country music in Australia. He is also a pianist and has recorded and performed in various contemporary styles.He is the author of Open up the Doors: Music in the Modern Church (2006) and editor of the Encyclopedia of Film Music and Sound (Equinox, forthcoming).


Previous accounts of sound in The Exorcist have tended to focus on the non-diegetic musical segments of the film (Bazelon, 1975; Brophy, 2001), or else the haunting lack of music in totality (Marriott, 2004). Most have discussed the manipulation of Regan’s voice as she becomes increasingly controlled by the demon Pazuzu. Even more have paid great attention to the role of Oldfield’s Tubular Bells (e.g., Marriott, 2004; Brophy, 2001). Missing from these accounts has been any discussion on how the soundtrack synthesizes key themes of the film. Most pointedly, it is argued here, the soundtrack achieves this via the manipulation of rhythmic elements. The chapter shows how over and above any good versus evil polemic, the soundtrack of The Exorcist re-enforces the battle between the natural (safe) rhythms of everyday life and the disruptive dysrhythm of evil.

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Evans, Mark. Rhythms of Evil: Exorcizing Sound from The Exorcist. Terror Tracks - Music, Sound and Horror Cinema. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 112 - 124 Jul 2009. ISBN 9781845532024. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=19127. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.19127. Jul 2009

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