System and Corpus - Exploring Connections - Geoff Thompson †

System and Corpus - Exploring Connections - Geoff Thompson †


System and Corpus - Exploring Connections - Geoff Thompson †

M.A.K. Halliday † [+-]
University of Sydney (Emeritus)
M.A.K. Halliday, who died in April 2018, was born in Yorkshire in 1925. He was trained in Chinese for war service with the British army; studied in China, taught Chinese in Britain for a number of years, then moved into linguistics, becoming in 1965 Professor of General Linguistics at University College London. In 1975 he was appointed Foundation Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney, where he remained until his retirement.


I came away from Liverpool feeling that the 29th International Systemic Functional Congress had been one of the most satisfying conferences I could remember. Looking at the list of participants (and a special thanks to the organisers for giving out that list at the beginning of the conference, rather than at the end, or not at all), I found I had spoken personally to more than a hundred of those present: an indication not only of the relaxed and friendly atmosphere but also of how easy it was to move around and find a place to sit and talk. And since I wasn’t presenting a paper myself, I had leisure for listening to others; I heard all the plenaries, and a good number of sectional papers as well.

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Halliday, M.A.K.. Afterwords. System and Corpus - Exploring Connections. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 293 - 317 Mar 2006. ISBN 9781845532512. Date accessed: 27 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.19153. Mar 2006

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