Jordan - An Archaeological Reader - Russell B. Adams

Jordan - An Archaeological Reader - Russell B. Adams

The Late Bronze Age

Jordan - An Archaeological Reader - Russell B. Adams

John Strange


The Late Bronze Age in Jordan is divided into LB I, IIA and IIB. These divisions are dictated partly by the archae- ological finds, to a certain extent also by political realities and, ultimately, by the terminology of the archaeology of the Levant, especially that of Palestine west of the river Jordan. Jordan itself may be divided into northern Jordan, that is, the northern plains from the Yarmuk River to the mountains south of Jarash, or to Wadi Zarqa; central Jor- dan, the area south of this to Wadi Hasa; southern Jordan, the area south of Wadi Hasa; the Jordan Valley from Tall Shuna (N) to the Dead Sea; and, finally, the desert to the east. 

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Strange, John. The Late Bronze Age. Jordan - An Archaeological Reader. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 281 - 310 Jul 2008. ISBN 9781845530372. Date accessed: 21 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.19370. Jul 2008

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