Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives - Pilar Guerrero Medina

Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives - Pilar Guerrero Medina

1. Alternations as a heuristic to verb meaning and the semantics of constructions

Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives - Pilar Guerrero Medina

Kristin Davidse [+-]
Catholic University of Leuven
Kristin Davidse is professor of English Linguistics at the University of Leuven. She is also an alumna of the University of Sydney, where she was introduced to Hallidayan Functional Linguistics. Halliday supervised her Ph.D. in Linguistics on Categories of Experiential Grammar (1991). Her main research interest is the description of English grammar from a functional perspective. In the area of clause grammar, she has published on such topics as transitive – intransitive versus lexically ergative clauses, as well as middle, existential, copular and ditransitive constructions. In addition, she has dealt with it-and there-clefts and clauses containing fact projection. She has also published on various processes of change such as grammaticalization, deictification and intersubjectification in the English nominal group, as well as on the structure and functions of the nominal group per se. She was one of the founding editors of the journal Functions of Language.


In the first chapter in the volume, Kristin Davidse takes issue with Goldberg’s position in her 2002 article, where she advocated that the “robust generalizations” in the domain of argument-structure relations are “surface generalizations” (2002: 333). In contrast to Goldberg, Davidse emphasizes the heuristic potential of verb-specific alternations and defends the position that they are relevant both to verb meaning and the semantics of constructions. The descriptive heuristics that can be derived from Davidse’s argument, set in the structural-functional tradition of Gleason and Halliday, is illustrated with two alternation-based case studies of the subclassification of ditransitive verbs and of the semantic elucidation of ergative intransitives.

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Davidse, Kristin. 1. Alternations as a heuristic to verb meaning and the semantics of constructions. Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 11 - 37 Sep 2011. ISBN 9781845537449. Date accessed: 22 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20207. Sep 2011

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