Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives - Pilar Guerrero Medina

Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives - Pilar Guerrero Medina

4. Alternation and Participant Role: A contribution from a Systemic Functional Grammar

Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives - Pilar Guerrero Medina

Amy Neale [+-]
Queen Mary, University of London
Amy Neale is Head of Business Development, Innovation and Enterprise at Queen Mary, University of London.


Amy Neale’s contribution is located within the approach to TRANSITIVITY developed within the Cardiff Grammar (CG) version of systemic theory. Building on the Systemic Functional notions of “Process”, “system network” and “delicacy” and extending the semantic classification of verb senses, she provides an alternative approach to Levin’s (1993) for modelling paradigmatic relations between verb senses. After outlining how verbal alternations such as the “dative alternation” can be handled by the CG through the lexicogrammar, the article deals in more detail with alternating constructions which involve different Participant Role configurations, positing that they demonstrate a change in the verb sense conveyed and should be thus treated as examples of “near equivalences”.

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Neale, Amy. 4. Alternation and Participant Role: A contribution from a Systemic Functional Grammar. Morphosyntactic Alternations in English - Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 83 - 114 Sep 2011. ISBN 9781845537449. Date accessed: 22 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20273. Sep 2011

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