Listening to Shin Buddhism - Starting Points of Modern Dialogue - Michael Pye

Listening to Shin Buddhism - Starting Points of Modern Dialogue - Michael Pye

The Mahāyāna Structure of Shinran’s Thought (1984)

Listening to Shin Buddhism - Starting Points of Modern Dialogue - Michael Pye

Ueda Yoshifumi


Ueda Yoshifumi studied at Tokyo University’s department of Indian and Buddhist Studies, gaining his doctorate in 1948 and becoming professor at Nagoya University until 1986, after which he became the principal of Chikushi Jogakuen Tanki Daigaku 筑紫女学園短期大学, a junior college for women. He represents a voice from the Nishi Honganji denomination of Shin Buddhism, though not an official one. Indeed his extremely insightful writings make no easy reading for those who would protect doctrinal positions against any tendencies to de-literalise them.

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Yoshifumi, Ueda. The Mahāyāna Structure of Shinran’s Thought (1984). Listening to Shin Buddhism - Starting Points of Modern Dialogue. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 173 - 212 Feb 2012. ISBN 9781908049179. Date accessed: 29 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20367. Feb 2012

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