The Castle as Estate Centre: Tenurial Landscapes
Castles and Landscapes - Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England - O.H. Creighton
O.H. Creighton [+ ]
University of Exeter
O.H. Creighton is Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Exeter. He is the author (with R.A. Higham) of Medieval Castles (Shire, 2003)
The chapter analyses the relationship between castles and landholding, highlighting the fact that in the medieval society private fortifications were built and owned by a broad range of people. In certain contexts lordships were administered without castles, while most lords have raised fortified centres within their estates. The pattern of castle-building within lordships was influenced by the compactness of estates and their economic potential, being mostly related to earlier patterns of tenurial geography.