Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality - Michael Pye

Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality - Michael Pye

The Way to the Land of Bliss

Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality - Michael Pye

Yamabe Shūgaku


In this chapter, the author continues to explore the idea of Amida, as the leader of the Pure Land Buddhism and focuses on answering the following question: “Through what power shall we be allowed to be born in the Pure Land?”.

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Shūgaku, Yamabe. The Way to the Land of Bliss. Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 185 - 188 May 2011. ISBN 9781845539191. Date accessed: 03 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20510. May 2011

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