Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality - Michael Pye

Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality - Michael Pye

The Enlightened Mind of the Buddha and the Shin Teaching

Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality - Michael Pye

Sasaki Gesshō
Otani University


In this chapter, the author considers the teaching or the truth expounded by the Buddha, and this teaching may generally be defined thus: (1) It is the doctrine taught by the Buddha, (2) It is the doctrine that will make us Buddhas, and (3) It is the doctrine that teaches what Buddhism is.

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Gesshō, Sasaki. The Enlightened Mind of the Buddha and the Shin Teaching. Beyond Meditation - Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 189 - 194 May 2011. ISBN 9781845539191. Date accessed: 03 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20511. May 2011

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