‘I’m the Pied Piper’: The Peculiar Appeal of Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson - Kirk Curnutt
Kirk Curnutt [+ ]
Troy University
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Kirk Curnutt is Professor of English at Troy University Montgomery. He is the author of a number of works of fiction and scholarly books including, most recently, Key West Hemingway (University Press of Florida, 2009), The Cambridge Introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald (Cambridge University Press, 2007), A Historical Guide to F. Scott Fitzgerald (Oxford University Press, 2004) and the forthcoming Reading Hemingway's To Have and Have Not: Glossary and Commentary (Kent State University Press, 2011).
In this chapter, the author observes what are the qualities and characteristics that mad Brian Wilson an icon. To do so, Curnutt tries to answer the following question: What is the particular “something” that Brian Wilson is “symbolic of”?