Rural Landscapes of the Punic World - (Volume 11) - Peter van Dommelen

Rural Landscapes of the Punic World - (Volume 11) - Peter van Dommelen

Defining the Punic World and its Rural Contexts

Rural Landscapes of the Punic World - (Volume 11) - Peter van Dommelen

Peter van Dommelen [+-]
Brown University
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Peter van Dommelen is Joukowsky Family Professor in Archaeology and Professor of Anthropology at Brown University. His research focuses on the western Mediterranean and the Phoenician-Punic world, with a particular interest in colonialism and culture contact as well as rural life and landscape, both past and present. He is actively involved in fieldwork and ceramic studies in Sardinia and Mediterranean Spain and his most recent books are, with Carlos Gómez Bellard, Rural Landscapes of the Punic World, Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (London: Equinox, 2008) and, co-edited with A. Bernard Knapp, Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean (London: Routledge, 2010).


The objectives of the book are highlighted in this chapter as two-fold: creating a comprehensive overview of this developing field by bringing together from across the Punic world the evidence for rural settlement and organisation that has largely been discovered in recent years, and reviewing this evidence critically and to compareing its characteristics across the various regions of the Punic world. Moreover, the chapter provides a definition for the Punic World, its scope and context.

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van Dommelen, Peter. Defining the Punic World and its Rural Contexts. Rural Landscapes of the Punic World - (Volume 11). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-21 Dec 2008. ISBN 9781845535063. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20947. Dec 2008

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