The Music of Fantasy Cinema - Janet K. Halfyard

The Music of Fantasy Cinema - Janet K. Halfyard

Numinous Ambience: Spirituality, Dreamtimes and Fantastic Aboriginality

The Music of Fantasy Cinema - Janet K. Halfyard

Philip Hayward [+-]
Southern Cross Univeristy
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Philip Hayward has taught film and popular music studies in Australia and the United Kingdom and is Professor and Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) at Southern Cross University, Australia. His previous books include Off The Planet: Music, Sound and Science Fiction Cinema (2004) and he is a performer in an avant garde chainsaw quartet performing work written by composer Michael Hannan.


This chapter deals with the musical construction of the Other, the Australian Aboriginal Otherness in Peter Weir’s The Last Wave (1977), a film that Hayward concludes could probably not have been made in a later, more politically correct, time, because of the way it constructs a fantasy around Aboriginal spirituality. The film represents a significant point in fantastic music, with a move away from the orchestral timbres of classical Hollywood practice into soundtracks characterized by synthesized, atmospheric and ambient sound.

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Hayward, Philip. Numinous Ambience: Spirituality, Dreamtimes and Fantastic Aboriginality. The Music of Fantasy Cinema. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 40-57 Jul 2012. ISBN 9781781791004. Date accessed: 30 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.20993. Jul 2012

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