Drawn to Sound - Animation Film Music and Sonicity - Rebecca Coyle †

Drawn to Sound - Animation Film Music and Sonicity - Rebecca Coyle †

1 “Everybody Scream!”: Tim Burton’s Animated Gothic-Horror Musical Comedies

Drawn to Sound - Animation Film Music and Sonicity - Rebecca Coyle †

Janet K. Halfyard [+-]
Birmingham Conservatoire
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Janet K. Halfyard is a Senior Academic in Music at Birmingham Conservatoire. She has published widely on film and television music, particularly in relation to horror and fantasy genres. Her publications include Danny Elfman’s Batman: a film score guide (Scarecrow, 2004) and Music, Sound and Silence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Ashgate, 2010).


This chapter discusses the working practices involved in realizing the films and the way in which both Burton and Elfman place their individually distinctive imprint on the outcomes in truly collaborative works. It examines the ways in which music and songs help to structure the films themselves and allow humour and horror to be juxtaposed.

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Halfyard, Janet K. . 1 “Everybody Scream!”: Tim Burton’s Animated Gothic-Horror Musical Comedies. Drawn to Sound - Animation Film Music and Sonicity. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 25-39 Jun 2010. ISBN 9781845533526. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=21885. Date accessed: 27 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.21885. Jun 2010

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