Language in Psychiatry - A Handbook of Clinical Practice - Jonathan Fine†

Language in Psychiatry - A Handbook of Clinical Practice - Jonathan Fine†

The partnership of language and psychiatry

Language in Psychiatry - A Handbook of Clinical Practice - Jonathan Fine†

Jonathan Fine† [+-]
Bar-Ilan University
Jonathan Fine, who died in September 2015, taught in the department of English at Bar-Ilan University. He published studies on the language of psychiatric syndromes including pervasive developmental disorders, schizophrenia, and attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder. His other research includes discourse analysis, systemic functional theory, first and second language acquisition and genre. He edited or authored five books on language in use including Language in Psychiatry: A Handbook of Clinical Practice (Equinox).


This chapter is divided into three sections: Section 10.1 where we are in terms of conceptualising psychiatric categories in terms of language; Section 10.2 which explores the conceptual problems and research issues that are raised by considering psychiatric categories in terms of language used in context and Section10.3, the new areas that are opened up for investigation and the new goals that can be set for research on language and psychiatric disorders.

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Fine, Jonathan. The partnership of language and psychiatry. Language in Psychiatry - A Handbook of Clinical Practice. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 283 - 300 May 2006. ISBN 9781845533762. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22071. May 2006

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