Using Social Deficits in Frontotemporal Dementia to Develop a Neurobiology of Person Reference
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia - Reverse Engineering the Social Mind - Andrea W. Mates
Andrea W. Mates [+ ]
University of California, Los Angeles
Andrea W. Mates is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Rutgers University, USA. She is co-author of The Interactional Instinct, with Namhee Lee, John Schumann, Anna Dina L. Joaquin, and Lisa Mikesell.
In this chapter, the author will first review how normals (people without neurological deficits) organize their third-person, person reference formulations (PRFs) when talking about photographs. Then the author presents both the ways in which FTD patients conform to and depart from those norms. Finally, the problems these FTD patients present with in their PRFs will be used to build a potential neurobiological account for third-person, person reference in interaction.