The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean - The Case of the Painted Plaster (Volume 12) - Ann Brysbaert

The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean - The Case of the Painted Plaster (Volume 12) - Ann Brysbaert

Technological Style and the Power of Technology and Knowledge

The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean - The Case of the Painted Plaster (Volume 12) - Ann Brysbaert

Ann Brysbaert [+-]
University of Leiden
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Ann Brysbaert is Professor of Ancient Technologies, Materials and Crafts and Principle Investigator of the ERC SETinSTONE project (Leiden University, 2015-2020). Previously, she has been PI of one of the sub-projects of “Tracing Networks” (Leicester University, 2008-2013). Her main research interests are linked to pre-industrial technologies, materials and social practices, painted plaster, pyrotechnological and relating crafts, and combining material culture with landscape approaches in economies of building. Apart from her monograph (2008: Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean. The Case of Painted Plaster. Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 12.London: Equinox Press), her recent publications include five edited volumes on these themes. The most recent two are: Constructing Monuments, Perceiving Monumentality and the Economics of Building. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Built Environment. Leiden: Sidestone Press (2018: edited with V. Klinkenberg, A. Gutièrrez Garcia-M. and I. Vikatou); and Building BIG – Constructing Economies: from Design to Long-Term Impact of Large-Scale Building Projects. Heidelberg: Propylaeum (in press: edited with J. Pakkanen).


This chapter with issues of iconography, technology and style in visual art expressions. It briefly touches upon what each of these is, how they were studied separately in the past, and why they can and should be treated together when investigating visual art forms. Technology is seen as an integral part of the aesthetic forms of any material culture, as much as iconography and style are, and their interrelationship is indicated with the concept of ‘technological style’.

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Brysbaert, Ann. Technological Style and the Power of Technology and Knowledge. The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean - The Case of the Painted Plaster (Volume 12). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 45-51 Jan 2009. ISBN 9781781792537. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22595. Jan 2009

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