Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

The First Shall be Last: The Gospel of Mark after the First Century

Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

Willi Braun [+-]
Department of History and Classics/Program of Religious Studies and Director of the Program of Religious Studies Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
BRAUN WILLI is Professor at the Department of History and Classics/Program of Religious Studies and Director of the Program of Religious Studies Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada. He is the author of Feasting and Social Rhetoric in Luke 14 (2005[1995]). He is the editor of Rhetoric and Reality in Early Christianities (2005). He is co-editor with R. McCutcheon of Guide to the Study of Religion (2000) and also Introducing Religion: Essays in Honor of Jonathan Z. Smith (2008). He is the author of numerous articles on the above topics.


Despite enormous labours over more than a century on pin-pointing the geographical and social setting for the originary composition of the Gospel of Mark, what John Donahue concluded twelve years ago is still the case: “there is no consensus on the setting of Mark, nor is there a method agreed upon for describing the social make up of a community on the basis of the text”. Professor Braun discusses the evidence and attempts which have been made to locate the Gospel of Mark in time and place.

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Braun, Willi. The First Shall be Last: The Gospel of Mark after the First Century. Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 41-57 Dec 2014. ISBN 9781781792070. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22730. Dec 2014

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