Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

'Whatever Story Sings, the Arena Displays for You' Performance, Narrative and Myth in Græco-Roman Discourse

Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

Gerhard Van Den Heever [+-]
University of South Africa
Gerhard van den Heever has been a full professor at the University of South Africa, since 2012, after a long career as senior lecturer and associate professor, as well as a short stint as minister in a church. He teaches courses in New Testament and Early Christian Studies. His research focuses on the Gospel of John in its Graeco-Roman context, Greek and Roman religions–especially the transformations in religious formations from the classical to the Late Antique period, history of religion, and contemporary theory of religion. He is currently editing a collection of essays, After Religion, which deals with theorizing historiography of religion in Antiquity. Current projects include an international colloquium on Mapping Transformations towards a Christian Late Antiquity, as well as a publication of essays on Twilights of Greek and Roman Religions.


Gerhard van den Heever is interested in the 'inter-space' between the spectacle and the text.

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Van Den Heever, Gerhard. 'Whatever Story Sings, the Arena Displays for You' Performance, Narrative and Myth in Græco-Roman Discourse. Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 151-169 Dec 2014. ISBN 9781781792070. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22840. Dec 2014

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