Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

Mithras in the Magical Papyri Religio-Historical Reflections on Various Magical Texts

Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences - Panayotis Pachis

Ennio Sanzi [+-]
SANZI ENNIO (Roma 1965), under the guidance of Ugo Bianchi, studied History of Religions at University of Rome «La Sapienza», graduating in 1991 with the thesis Giove di Doliche. Dimensione sociale di organizzazione cultuale. He recieved his PhD degree in 1997 with the thesis, Soteriologia, escatologia e cosmologia nel culto di Mithra, di Iside e Osiride, e di Iuppiter Dolichenus. Osservazioni storico-comparative under the guidance of Ugo Bianchi and Giulia Sfameni Gasparro. He has also published Misteri, Soteriologia, Dualismo. Ricerche storico-religiose (Roma 1995), I culti orientali nell’ Impero romano. Un’ antologia di fonti (Cosenza, 2003), Cultos orientais e Magia no mundo elenístico romano. Modelos e perspectivas metodológicas (Fortaleza, 2006), with Carla Sfameni, Magia e Culti orientali. Per la storia religiosa della Tarda Antichità (Cosenza 2009), and several articles on the religious phenomena of the «Second Hellenism» under the title Oriental Cults and Magic. He has taught at the University of Messina and is working on Coptic sources for the fields of research mentioned above.


During the 'Second Hellenism' theologians and magicians accumulated the names of deities from different panthea in order to indicate the multiple powers of divinity, the same divinity that is analyzed by the great philosophers of this epoch. Ennio Sanzi analyzes different texts of the time.

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Sanzi, Ennio. Mithras in the Magical Papyri Religio-Historical Reflections on Various Magical Texts. Chasing Down Religion - In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 391-406 Dec 2014. ISBN 9781781792070. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.22936. Dec 2014

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