Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity - Towards a Dynamic Theory of People and Place - Vaia Touna

Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity - Towards a Dynamic Theory of People and Place - Vaia Touna

On the Strategies of Identity Formation

Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity - Towards a Dynamic Theory of People and Place - Vaia Touna

Craig Martin [+-]
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Craig Martin, Ph.D., is Professor of Religious Studies at St. Thomas Aquinas College. He writes on discourse analysis and ideology critique; his most recent books include Capitalizing Religion: Ideology and the Opiate of the Bourgeoisie (Bloomsbury, 2014) and A Critical Introduction to the Study of Religion, 2nd Edition (Routledge, 2017).


This multi-authored work tackles the problem of how to examine the historicity of identity. Through four discrete case studies, seven scholars of religion expose the disconnects in the academic discourse on diaspora, identity, and creolization, and suggests ways of achieving greater theoretical clarity in the study of identity-or better, identity claims-as it takes shape over time and space.

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Martin, Craig. On the Strategies of Identity Formation. Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity - Towards a Dynamic Theory of People and Place. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-17 Jan 2019. ISBN 9781781790731. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.23798. Jan 2019

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