8. Keeping the Creative Pipes from Freezing: An Essay on Creativity
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy - Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers - Harriet Levin Millan
Martha Silano [+ ]
Bellvue College
Martha Silano is the author of three books of poetry: What the Truth Tastes Like (Nightshade Press, 1999), Blue Positive (Steel Toe Books, 2006), and The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception, chosen by Campbell McGrath as the winner of the 2010 Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize. Her poems have appeared in Paris Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry Daily, AGNI, American Poetry Review, and The Best American Poetry 2009, among others. Martha holds degrees from Grinnell College and the University of Washington and teaches at Bellevue College.
No one has enough time to write; take that as a given, but nearly everyone can find 10-20 minutes a day to jot down a few notes – things noticed, a fact read in the newspaper or book, or heard on the radio. These notes will come in handy when a larger block of time for writing presents itself, for they are often the kindling for a first draft. Writing a little bit each day is akin to leaving the faucets dripping on a cold January night; while the ideas are flowing the creative pipes won’t freeze.