Entering the Stream to Enlightenment - Experiences of the Stages of the Buddhist Path in Contemporary Sri Lanka - Yuki Sirimane
The stream-enterer
Entering the Stream to Enlightenment - Experiences of the Stages of the Buddhist Path in Contemporary Sri Lanka - Yuki Sirimane
Yuki Sirimane [+ ]
Chapter 6 is a comprehensive and a detailed analysis of the attainment of the sotāpatti-phala, it being the most vital milepost on this Path. This chapter includes a discussion on the following: 1) The state of mind of a stream-enterer 2) The conduct of a stream-enterer 3) The blessings and strengths of a stream-enterer 4) The possibility of someone having become a noble person in a past life Can a stream-enterer commit suicide? 6) To what extent does a stream-enterer see Nibbāna? 7) Lay noble disciples 8) Non-humans attaining supramundane fruits The chapter concludes that the experience of attaining sotāpatti-phala becomes the most significant experience one ever encounters up to such time in saṃsāra. It makes one a Buddhist by conviction.