Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies - André Droogers

Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies - André Droogers

Chapter 8 Fieldwork on Morality: Gossip and Secrets

Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies - André Droogers

Kim Knibbe [+-]
University of Groningen
Kim Knibbe is Associate Professor Anthropology and Sociology of Religion at Groningen University. She is currently directing the project "Sexuality, Religion and Secularism" with Rachel Spronk (funded by NWO). Previous research focused on Catholicism and spirituality in the Netherlands and on Nigerian Pentecostalism in Europe and the Netherlands. She has also published a series of theoretical and methodological reflections on studying religion. Her most recent co-edited books and special issues are Secular Societies, Spiritual Selves? (with Anna Fedele, 2020) and ‘Theorizing Lived Religion’ (with Helena Kupari, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 2020).


In Chapter 8 on morality the central methodological question is: how has the self of the fieldworker/ethnographer to deal with moral dilemmas when this self participates in the moral universe of the other? In this chapter the researcher demonstrates that insight into the deeper layers of morality in religion can be gained by opening up culturally repressed genres of speech, like gossip. By gossip people create a shared moral universe. The problem with which one has to deal ( = to play seriously) is that, when the fieldworker participates in gossip, she as a researcher seems almost simultaneously to break the trust generated through complicity in gossip: research seems to be inevitably a betrayal. The researcher argues that deep reflection on the inevitable involvement in doing qualitative fieldwork and on the equally inevitable betrayal of intersubjectivity is a major condition for doing honest, that is, non-judgmental fieldwork.

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Knibbe, Kim. Chapter 8 Fieldwork on Morality: Gossip and Secrets. Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 127-140 Jan 2014. ISBN 9781781790434. Date accessed: 22 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24443. Jan 2014

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