Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies - André Droogers

Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies - André Droogers

Chapter 11 Epilogue: Studying Religion as our Intimate Stranger

Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies - André Droogers

Anton van Harskamp [+-]
VU University, Amsterdam
Anton van Harskamp is Emeritus Professor of Religion, Identity and Civil Society at VU University, Amsterdam, and co-editor of Playful Religion: Challenges for the Study of Religion.


In Chapter 11, the Epilogue of this volume, Anton van Harskamp points to this need for continuous reinvention of the discipline by reflecting on the idea that doing religion research is an activity in which the very own (social scientific) worldview is at stake. He first makes an inventory of the aspects that demand our attention when we start considering intersubjectivity. What does it mean that in our era secularization and sacralization are both present, in a paradoxical way? Can autonomy and heteronomy be combined successfully, without frustrating the late modern call for authenticity? Or is this the typical virtue of present worldviews?

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van Harskamp, Anton . Chapter 11 Epilogue: Studying Religion as our Intimate Stranger. Methods for the Study of Religious Change - From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 180-187 Jan 2014. ISBN 9781781790434. Date accessed: 22 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24447. Jan 2014

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