Systemic Phonology - Recent Studies in English - Wendy L. Bowcher

Systemic Phonology - Recent Studies in English - Wendy L. Bowcher


Systemic Phonology - Recent Studies in English - Wendy L. Bowcher

Wendy L. Bowcher [+-]
Wendy L. Bowcher is a professor in the School of Foreign Languages at Sun Yat-sen University, China. She has worked as a consultant forensic linguist in Australia, and for several years as Associate Professor of Linguistics at Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan. She has taught in secondary schools, worked as a multicultural education consultant, and taught linguistics and applied linguistics at both undergraduate and graduate level. She has also taught on teacher training courses, most notably as adjunct lecturer for Columbia University Teachers College, MA TESOL program (Tokyo campus). She received her PhD in linguistics from the University of Liverpool, England. Her research interests include multimodal discourse analysis of Japanese and English texts, context in Systemic Functional Linguistic theory, language education, and English intonation. She was instrumental in the formation of the Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics (JASFL). She is editor of Multimodal Texts from Around the World: Cultural and Linguistic Insights (2012) and co-editor, with Terry D. Royce, of New Directions in the Analysis of Multimodal Discourse (2007).
Bradley A. Smith [+-]
School of Education at Curtin University
Bradley A. Smith is a Research Fellow in the School of Education at Curtin University, Australia. He has previously worked in a learning and teaching centre at the University of Melbourne, and in the Multimodal Analysis Lab at the National University of Singapore. His PhD thesis (2008, Macquarie University) is entitled ‘Intonation and Register: A Multidimensional Exploration’. His major research interests are intonation, register, communication in higher education, and multimodality, with a focus on the roles of sound-based semiotic resources within cultures. His publications include (with William S. Greaves) the chapter on intonation for the forthcoming Bloomsbury Companion to Halliday, co-editor (with Kay L. O’Halloran) of Multimodal Studies: Exploring Issues and Domains (2011), as well as several journal articles, book chapters, two invited encyclopaedia entries in the Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2013) and an invited review for Linguistics and the Human Sciences of Halliday and Greaves’ (2008) Intonation in the Grammar of English.


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Bowcher, Wendy; Smith, Bradley A. . Introduction. Systemic Phonology - Recent Studies in English. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-24 Sep 2014. ISBN 9781845539467. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24961. Sep 2014

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