Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory - Brett Hyde

Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory - Brett Hyde

Alternative Weak Layering Accounts

Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory - Brett Hyde

Brett Hyde [+-]
Washington University in St. Louis
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Brett Hyde is an associate professor in the Philosophy Department at Washington University in St. Louis. He has authored numerous journal articles and book chaptersaddressing key topics in metrical stress theory, including prosodic layering, parsing directionality, the metrical grid, trisyllabic stress windows, nonfinality and extrametricality, and the Iambic-Trochaic Law.


Chapter 4 completes the examination of the effects of the Odd-Parity Input Problem (Hyde 2012b) begun in Chapter 3. It examines the effects of the problem in two additional Weak Layering accounts: Asymmetrical Alignment (Alber 2005) and Rhythmic Licensing (Kager 2005). These two approaches differ from those considered in Chapter 3 in that they rely less on alignment constraints to produce directional parsing effects and more on principles, such as clash and lapse avoidance, that promote rhythmic well-formedness. The chapter demonstrates the effects of the Odd-Parity Input Problem become more exotic in Weak Layering accounts as the role of alignment is reduced. Topics include: 4.1 Asymmetrical Alignment; 4.2 Asymmetrical Alignment and the OHP; 4.3 Rhythmic Licensing; 4.4 The OHP in Rhythmic Licensing; 4.5 Summary

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Hyde, Brett . Alternative Weak Layering Accounts. Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 139-196 Mar 2016. ISBN 9781845530891. Date accessed: 01 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25101. Mar 2016

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