Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory - Brett Hyde

Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory - Brett Hyde

Restricting Clash and Lapse

Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory - Brett Hyde

Brett Hyde [+-]
Washington University in St. Louis
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Brett Hyde is an associate professor in the Philosophy Department at Washington University in St. Louis. He has authored numerous journal articles and book chaptersaddressing key topics in metrical stress theory, including prosodic layering, parsing directionality, the metrical grid, trisyllabic stress windows, nonfinality and extrametricality, and the Iambic-Trochaic Law.


Chapter 5 discusses the three components of the proposed approachWeak Bracketing (Hyde 2002), Optimal Mapping (Hyde 2002), and Relation-Specific Alignment (Hyde 2012a)in fuller detail and carefully examines the approach’s predictions. First, the chapter demonstrates that Weak Bracketing allows the proposal to avoid the effects Odd-Parity Input Problem (Hyde 2012b) discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. The ability of disyllabic feet to overlap allows for exhaustive binary parsing of odd-parity forms in a way that does not result in the problematic patterns that arise under Weak Layering. The chapter then demonstrates how Weak Bracketing combines with Relation-Specific Alignment and Optimal Mapping to provide the foundation for an effective analysis of quantity-insensitive binary patterns. It also explores the role of two asymmetrically formulated constraints: INITIAL-GRIDMARK (Prince 1983), which insists that initial syllables be stressed, and NON-FINALITY (Prince and Smolensky 1993/2004), which insists that final syllables be stressless. INITIAL-GRIDMARK and NON-FINALITY play a key role in predicting iambic-trochaic asymmetries. Topics include: 5.1 Conditions and Constraints; 5.2 Avoiding the Odd-Parity Input Problem; 5.3 Outline of the Crucial Rankings for Binary Patterns; 5.4 Minimal Alternation and its Variants; 5.5 Maximal Alternation and its Variants; 5.6 Summary of Predicted Patterns

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Hyde, Brett . Restricting Clash and Lapse. Layering and Directionality - Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 197-244 Mar 2016. ISBN 9781845530891. Date accessed: 27 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25106. Mar 2016

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