Distant Views of the Holy Land - Felicity Cobbing

Distant Views of the Holy Land - Felicity Cobbing

Biographies of Photographers, Artists and Illustrators

Distant Views of the Holy Land - Felicity Cobbing

Felicity Cobbing [+-]
The Palestine Exploration Fund
Felicity Cobbing is the Executive and Curator of the Palestine Exploration Fund.
David Jacobson [+-]
The Palestine Exploration Fund and University College London
David Jacobson is the Editor of the Palestine Exploration Quarterly and Honourary Research Fellow at University College London. .


The Holy Land has been an enduring magnet for visitors seeking to retrace the footsteps of biblical prophets, kings and saints and to glimpse the setting of events recorded in the Scriptures. This book offers a selection of over 350 early photographs, paintings, and drawings of the length and breadth of the Holy Land from the rich repository of images in the archives of the Palestine Exploration Fund. As these images were produced before modern development impacted on these landscapes they are an invaluable resource. The pictures are accompanied by 7 maps and plans showing the locations depicted and a commentary describing the biblical context, informed by up-to-date scholarship. The book is divided into five chapters; an introduction which includes a brief account of pilgrimage to the Holy Land through the ages, followed by a series of geographical 'tours' through Galilee, Samaria, and Judea and Philistia, before culminating with a focus on the two main sites of interest for the traveller: Bethlehem and Jerusalem. While often very beautiful in their own right, the pictures also reflect the interest and sensibilities of the photographers and those who collected them, and capture the opposing undercurrents of scientific enquiry and piety characteristic of 19th Century European society. In the case of the photographers engaged by the PEF, a striving for objectivity is strikingly evident in their work.

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Cobbing, Felicity ; Jacobson, David . Biographies of Photographers, Artists and Illustrators. Distant Views of the Holy Land. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 301-318 Sep 2015. ISBN 9781781790618. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=25399. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25399. Sep 2015

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