The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice

The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice

Great mento after the golden age

The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice

Michael Garnice [+-]
Freelance writer
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Michael Garnice is best known for his groundbreaking early reggae website and his writing about Bob Marley for Reggae Beat Magazine. He lives in New York City and writes for a number of reggae websites and magazines.


The golden age of mento singles came to a close at the end of the 1950s. Never again would Jamaica see such an abundance of creative, excellent mento recordings. But in no way did mento stop being recorded, nor did it completely change into the mento-reggae style. Though more sporadically, rural mento recording continued to be released in the 1960s and enjoyed a resurgence in the late 1970s that continued to gain steam up to the present day. These are some standout examples of great rural mento from the 1960s and later.

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Garnice, Michael . Great mento after the golden age. The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 304-311 Mar 2016. ISBN 9781781790953. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25469. Mar 2016

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