The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice
Big Youth
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice
Michael Garnice [+ ]
Freelance writer
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Michael Garnice is best known for his groundbreaking early reggae website www.mentomusic.com and his writing about Bob Marley for Reggae Beat Magazine. He lives in New York City and writes for a number of reggae websites and magazines.
Manley Augustus Buchanan, better known as Big Youth, was born in 1949 in Kingston’s Trench Town. Jah Yout’, as he is affectionately called, is one of reggae’s greatest DJs and one of roots reggae’s greatest performers, DJing Rasta themes with unbridled enthusiasm and unmatched creativity. He is a charismatic figure, with stones in the Rastafarian colors of red, green and gold set into the front teeth of his typically smiling, always dreadlock-framed face.