The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice

The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice

Barrington Levy and the birth of dancehall

The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten - Michael Garnice

Michael Garnice [+-]
Freelance writer
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Michael Garnice is best known for his groundbreaking early reggae website and his writing about Bob Marley for Reggae Beat Magazine. He lives in New York City and writes for a number of reggae websites and magazines.


Barrington Levy was born in 1964 in Kingston, but grew up in Clarendon Parish. A youthful music fan, he was especially fond of Dennis Brown, The Jackson Five and Michael Jackson. He first made a record around 1975 in a short-lived group called the Mighty Multitude that included a cousin of his. A year later, as a grizzled veteran of two sides, at fourteen years of age he decided to go solo. He initially found success as a sound system performer. He then recorded a handful of undistinguished singles for various producers, sounding like the youth singer he was. Things took an abrupt change for the better when he began recording for Henry “Junjo” Lawes.

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Garnice, Michael . Barrington Levy and the birth of dancehall. The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae - The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 537-541 Mar 2016. ISBN 9781781790953. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25488. Mar 2016

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