Challenging Sonority - Cross-linguistic Evidence - Martin J. Ball

Challenging Sonority - Cross-linguistic Evidence - Martin J. Ball

The Influence of Sonority on Cluster Acquisition of Egyptian Arabic Children Aged Two to Three Years

Challenging Sonority - Cross-linguistic Evidence - Martin J. Ball

Mona Maamoun [+-]
University of Alexandria
Mona Maamoun is a lecturer in phonology in the Phonetics and Linguistics department of the University of Alexandria, Egypt. Mona’s research interests are in clinical phonology, Arabic phonological acquisition (L1-L2) and the interrelationships between social factors and phonological variation. She received her PhD in phonology from Alexandria University in 2014. Currently, Mona’s work focuses on the acquisition of Arabic as a second language and she lectures in Arabic phonetics and phonology at the Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language Center, Alexandria University. ‘The phonology of Egyptian children with Down syndrome’ is her other ongoing research project, and she is the head of the clinical phonology programme of the Genetic Counseling Society, Egypt. Mona has presented many talks including one at the Jil Jadid Conference in Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures, Austin, Texas (2012), and most recently at the Hildesheim Conference, Germany (2014).


This paper aims to test and describe the reliability of the sonority scale principle (Clements, 1990) on the acquisition of clusters of monolingual normally developing Egyptian children aged two to three years. In order to be able to evaluate the influence of SSP on the structure of clusters of Arabic phonological disorders we need first to investigate its accuracy on the process of normal cluster acquisition as done by the current study. During the cluster acquisition children exhibit certain types of cluster simplification phonological processes (such as cluster reduction) till they fully master the clusters. By the analysis of these types of phonological processes on the Arabic language from the sonority perspective we can contribute on shading light on the validity of SSP as a universal phonological predictor for the sequences of the consonant clusters.

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Maamoun, Mona . The Influence of Sonority on Cluster Acquisition of Egyptian Arabic Children Aged Two to Three Years. Challenging Sonority - Cross-linguistic Evidence. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 355-375 Oct 2016. ISBN 9781781792278. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25683. Oct 2016

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