The College Writing Toolkit - Tried and Tested Ideas for Teaching College Writing - Martha C. Pennington

The College Writing Toolkit - Tried and Tested Ideas for Teaching College Writing - Martha C. Pennington

15. The Write Path: Guiding Writers to Self-Reliance

The College Writing Toolkit - Tried and Tested Ideas for Teaching College Writing - Martha C. Pennington

Lisa Nazarenko [+-]
University of Vienna
Lisa Nazarenko (MA, Hunter College, City University of New York) is a Lecturer in the English Department of the University of Vienna and Lecturer and Didactic Advisor at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (Vienna). With academic background in TEFL, Nazarenko has taught EFL, ESP, and Academic English for over 20 years in the USA, the former USSR, Portugal, and Austria. Professional interests include writing, vocabulary, reading skills, and materials development in those areas.
Gillian Schwarz [+-]
University of Vienna
Gillian Schwarz (MA, University of Leeds) is a Senior Lecturer in the English Department of the University of Vienna. With academic background in English Language Teaching and Linguistics, Schwarz has taught EFL, ESP, and Academic English for over 20 years in England, Kuwait, Argentina, and Austria. Her professional interests are in the areas of curriculum and materials development, focusing particularly on writing and reading skills.


Developing students’ reflectivity through guided self-assessment in every stage of a writing activity is the theme of Lisa Nazarenko and Gillian Schwarz’s chapter, “The Write Path: Guiding Writers to Self-Reliance.” Nazarenko and Schwarz regard such reflectivity as a key aspect of improving student writing and comment that can take some time to achieve. They present a set of activities they have used with second-language students in the second semester of a first-year university writing course, structured around writing an opinion essay. Key features of their teaching approach are guidelines for the assignment, model texts, hands-on interaction in the classroom, controlled prewriting, peer consultation and feedback, focused feedback from the instructor that mirrors the assignment guidelines, revision and redrafting, workshops and conferencing, and the use of structured reflection and feedback sheets throughout the process. The authors point out that, since the activity is broken down into clear steps, it is flexible and easy to adapt to different teaching situations and ability levels. They also point out that it is easier to address problems with student work at the prewriting stage than to fix them later – a point with which many instructors will doubtless concur.

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Nazarenko, Lisa; Schwartz, Gillian. 15. The Write Path: Guiding Writers to Self-Reliance. The College Writing Toolkit - Tried and Tested Ideas for Teaching College Writing. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 271-290 Jun 2011. ISBN 9781845534530. Date accessed: 27 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25920. Jun 2011

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