Creativity and Writing Pedagogy - Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers - Harriet Levin Millan

Creativity and Writing Pedagogy - Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers - Harriet Levin Millan


Creativity and Writing Pedagogy - Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers - Harriet Levin Millan

Harriet Levin Millan [+-]
Drexel University
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Harriet Levin Millan (MFA, University of Iowa Writers Workshop) is an associate teaching professor in the Department of English and Philosophy and director of the Certificate Program in Writing and Publishing at Drexel University. Her books include Girl in Cap and Gown (Mammoth Books) and The Christmas Show (Beacon Press), which was chosen by Eavan Boland for the Barnard New Women Poets Prize and also awarded the Poetry Society of America’s Alice Fay di Castagnola Award. A former New York State Poet in the Schools, she has received grants from The Vermont Studio Center and from Summer Literary Seminars for travel to Kenya. She is currently writing a novel set in Kenya, Sudan, and Philadelphia. The first chapter can be found in the January 2011 Issue of The Kenyon Review.
Martha C. Pennington [+-]
Birkbeck University of London
Martha C Pennington is a Research Fellow in Applied Linguistics and Communication at Birkbeck University of London. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania, where she became a tenured Lecturer teaching English to international students while completing her degree. She has also held Professorial and administrative posts at the University of California at Santa Barbara, the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the City University of Hong Kong, the University of Bedfordshire, Elizabethtown College, and the School for African and Oriental Studies of the University of London. She previously edited a column for Gendai Eigo Kyoiku (Modern English Teaching) and was editor-in-chief of Writing & Pedagogy. She is currently editor of the book series Innovation and Leadership in English Language Teaching (Brill, formerly Elsevier), Frameworks for Writing (Equinox), and Applied Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching (Equinox). Pennington’s books on pronunciation are Phonology in English Language Teaching: An International Approach(Longman), Phonology in Context (Palgrave Macmillan), and (with P Rogerson-Revell) English Pronunciation Teaching and Research: Contemporary Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan). She has published articles on the teaching of pronunciation in edited collections and in TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, and RELC Journal, and has guest-edited a special issue (52.1) of RELC Journal on Pronunciation Teaching.


Creativity and Writing Pedagogy: Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers offers a unique view of creative practices and pedagogy in writing from the perspective of writing teachers, creativity researchers and scholars, and writers themselves. The volume, collected and edited by a poet and a scholar who are both involved in the teaching of writing, seeks to bridge between the creative writing and the academic writing communities in building a case for creativity as central to all writing programs and showcasing creative practices in writing. With this goal in mind, the book combines a practical emphasis on creativity in writing pedagogy and curriculum with research and reflections on writing practices. Part 1 frames the collection by providing the editors’ perspectives, followed by five chapters in Part 2 which take research perspectives on creativity in writing. Part 3 offers four views of writers’ creative practices, and Part 4 offers two reflections on creative writing pedagogy. Part 5 broadens the coverage on writing and creativity to include travel, testing, and curriculum development in an international context. Creativity and Writing Pedagogy is unusual in linking research and practice in writing and the teaching of writing, as well as creative writing and academic writing orientations. The collection should be of interest to all writers and teachers of writing who want to expand their knowledge of creativity and creative practices in writing and the teaching of writing.

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Levin Millan, Harriet; Pennington, Martha. Preface. Creativity and Writing Pedagogy - Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. viii Nov 2014. ISBN 9781781791165. Date accessed: 03 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25930. Nov 2014

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