The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa - John C. Wilkinson

The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa - John C. Wilkinson

8. German colonization in East Africa

The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa - John C. Wilkinson

John C. Wilkinson [+-]
The University of Oxford, (Retired)
John C. Wilkinson, D.Litt, is a former Reader at Oxford University and an Emeritus Fellow of St Hugh’s College, Oxford, where he taught from 1969 until his retirement in 1997. He has advised several governments in the Middle East on their frontier disputes, including as Counsel for Bahrain in Qatar vs Bahrain, the longest running case to have appeared before the International Court of Justice at The Hague. He is author of numerous articles and several books, notably: Water and Tribal Settlement in South-East Arabia (Clarendon Press, 1977), The Imamate Tradition of Oman (Cambridge University Press, 1987), Arabia's Frontiers (I.B. Tauris, 1991), A Fatal Duel: “Harry Alis” (1857-95), a behind the scenes figure of the early Third Republic (Antony Rowe, 2006) and Ibâdism: Origins and early development in Oman (Oxford University Press, 2010).


Chapter contents: The development of a German Colonial Movement; East Africa: DKG/DOAG; The Colonial Debate in the Reichstag; The diplomatic scene and the Berlin Conference; The West African Conference; Agreement with AIC>EIC; New territorial claims; Britain’s interest in Effective Occupancy; The exclusion of Zanzibar from the Berlin Congress; Kiliminjaro; French interests in Zanzibar

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Wilkinson, John C. . 8. German colonization in East Africa. The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 231-245 Jan 2015. ISBN 9781781790687. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.25942. Jan 2015

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