14. The Arab Zone
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa - John C. Wilkinson
John C. Wilkinson [+ ]
The University of Oxford, (Retired)
Chapter contents: The Arab Zone: EIC relations with Tippo-Tib (1887–1890); Relations up to mid-1888; The Vangele and Vankerckhoven reports; Vankerchoven’s understanding with Tippo-Tib; The Ubangui; The Becker Mission; The new deal with Tippo-Tib; Anti-European feeling; The changing relationhip with the Arab Zone; Pro- and anti-Arab schools; The missionaries: Lavigerie; The pro-Arab school; Ad hoc policy; Encirclement; The MA (Mouvements Antieslavagistes = Anti-Slavery Societies) expeditions; Hinck and Jacques expeditions; Formal policy instructions; Inconsistencies in applying State policy; Nicholas Isidore Tobback (1859–1905); Incentives: Force Publique; The Tippo-Tib labour contract; Arab Ivory Trade; German protests; EIC anti-Arab sentiment; First skirmishes; The Vankerckhoven and Vangele expeditions; Vankerchoven’s Advance; The presentation of the expedition to the outside world;