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Particular research interests centre on corpus linguistics and potential uses for ‘ordinary’ teachers and learners (aka data-driven learning). He has published and edited books and papers in these fields over the years, and is on various boards and committees:  AFLA (Association Française de Linguistique Appliquée; vice-president), EUROCALL (European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning) and TaLC (Teaching and Language Corpora); as well as a number of scientific journals: ReCALL (editor), Alsic, ASp, CALL-EJ, the EUROCALL Review, IJCALLT, JALT-CALL Journal, Language Learning & Technology, and Al-Lisaniyyat. 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["affiliation"]=> string(22) " University of Messina" ["username"]=> string(16) "Baldry1304657237" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["country"]=> string(2) "IT" ["fullname"]=> string(14) "Anthony Baldry" ["authorSummary"]=> string(85) "Anthony Baldry ([email protected] - Baldry1304657237) ' University of Messina'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(14) "Baldry Anthony" } ["type"]=> string(4) "AUTH" ["hide"]=> bool(true) } [16]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> int(2072) ["user"]=> array(15) { ["userId"]=> int(79352) ["salutation"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Judith" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(15) "Carini Martinez" ["gender"]=> NULL ["email"]=> string(15) "[email protected]" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Almeria" ["username"]=> string(9) "jmartinez" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["country"]=> string(5) "Spain" ["fullname"]=> string(22) "Judith Carini Martinez" ["authorSummary"]=> string(76) "Judith Carini Martinez ([email protected] - jmartinez) 'University of Almeria'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(22) "Carini Martinez Judith" } ["type"]=> string(4) "AUTH" ["hide"]=> bool(true) } [17]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> int(2073) ["user"]=> array(15) { ["userId"]=> int(79353) ["salutation"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(8) "M. Elena" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(16) "Rodriguez Martin" ["gender"]=> NULL ["email"]=> string(23) "[email protected]" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Grenada" ["username"]=> string(8) "ermartin" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["country"]=> string(5) "Spain" ["fullname"]=> string(25) "M. Elena Rodriguez Martin" ["authorSummary"]=> string(86) "M. Elena Rodriguez Martin ([email protected] - ermartin) 'University of Grenada'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(25) "Rodriguez Martin M. Elena" } ["type"]=> string(4) "AUTH" ["hide"]=> bool(true) } [18]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> int(2074) ["user"]=> array(15) { ["userId"]=> int(79354) ["salutation"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(10) "N. Ignacio" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(10) "Lopez Sako" ["gender"]=> NULL ["email"]=> string(19) "[email protected]" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Grenada" ["username"]=> string(5) "NSako" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["country"]=> string(5) "Spain" ["fullname"]=> string(21) "N. Ignacio Lopez Sako" ["authorSummary"]=> string(75) "N. Ignacio Lopez Sako ([email protected] - NSako) 'University of Grenada'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(21) "Lopez Sako N. Ignacio" } ["type"]=> string(4) "AUTH" ["hide"]=> bool(true) } [19]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> int(2075) ["user"]=> array(15) { ["userId"]=> int(79355) ["salutation"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(9) "M. Teresa" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(21) "Lopez-Mezquita Molina" ["gender"]=> NULL ["email"]=> string(22) "[email protected]" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Grenada" ["username"]=> string(7) "tmolina" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["country"]=> string(5) "Spain" ["fullname"]=> string(31) "M. Teresa Lopez-Mezquita Molina" ["authorSummary"]=> string(90) "M. Teresa Lopez-Mezquita Molina ([email protected] - tmolina) 'University of Grenada'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(31) "Lopez-Mezquita Molina M. Teresa" } ["type"]=> string(4) "AUTH" ["hide"]=> bool(true) } } } ["datePublishedAsString"]=> string(10) "01/12/2010" ["issue"]=> bool(false) ["title"]=> string(40) "Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy" ["fullDescription"]=> string(40) "Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy" ["titleNoSpace"]=> string(40) "Exploring_New_Paths_in_Language_Pedagogy" ["id"]=> int(1699) } ["section"]=> array(9) { ["sectionId"]=> int(1454) ["abbrev"]=> string(4) "SIII" ["seq"]=> float(766) ["journal"]=> array(18) { ["journalId"]=> int(82) ["title"]=> string(25) "Equinox eBooks Publishing" ["path"]=> string(5) "books" ["initials"]=> string(7) "EQUINOX" ["onlineIssn"]=> string(0) "" ["printIssn"]=> string(0) "" ["articlePurchaseFee"]=> float(17.5) ["description"]=> NULL ["additionalHomeContent"]=> NULL ["publicationFrequency"]=> string(0) "" ["pubFreqPolicy"]=> NULL ["readership"]=> NULL ["startPublicationDate"]=> string(0) "" ["copyrightInformation"]=> NULL ["thumbnailFilename"]=> NULL ["metadata"]=> array(0) { } ["currentIssue"]=> NULL ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } } ["name"]=> string(44) "Section III: ADELEX: From Theory to Practice" ["identifyType"]=> string(0) "" ["parentSection"]=> NULL ["items"]=> array(0) { } ["fullName"]=> string(44) "Section III: ADELEX: From Theory to Practice" } ["categories"]=> array(0) { } ["series"]=> NULL ["content"]=> string(219) "1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Analysis and discussion of the data
4 Towards a discourse-functional approach
5 Towards a discourse-functional pedagogical implementation of 'very'
6 Concluding remarks
" ["publishedDate"]=> int(1291161600000) ["issueVolume"]=> NULL ["issueNumber"]=> NULL ["pages"]=> string(7) "215-228" ["startPage"]=> string(3) "215" ["endPage"]=> string(3) "228" ["doi"]=> string(21) "10.1558/equinox.26017" ["price"]=> float(17.5) ["accessStatus"]=> string(28) "ARTICLE_ACCESS_ISSUE_DEFAULT" ["allAuthors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(14) { ["authorId"]=> int(30564) ["fullname"]=> string(22) "Judith Carini Martinez" ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Judith" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(15) "Carini Martinez" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryContact"]=> bool(true) ["email"]=> string(15) "[email protected]" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Almeria" ["mailingAddress"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["linkedToUser"]=> array(15) { ["userId"]=> int(79352) ["salutation"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Judith" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(15) "Carini Martinez" ["gender"]=> NULL ["email"]=> string(15) "[email protected]" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Almeria" ["username"]=> string(9) "jmartinez" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["country"]=> string(5) "Spain" ["fullname"]=> string(22) "Judith Carini Martinez" ["authorSummary"]=> string(76) "Judith Carini Martinez ([email protected] - jmartinez) 'University of Almeria'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(22) "Carini Martinez Judith" } ["authorSummary"]=> string(76) "Judith Carini Martinez ([email protected] - jmartinez) 'University of Almeria'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(22) "Carini Martinez Judith" } } ["references"]=> NULL ["galleyId"]=> int(34279) ["book"]=> bool(true) ["seq"]=> float(2) ["chapter"]=> bool(true) ["subjectClass"]=> string(0) "" ["discipline"]=> string(11) "Linguistics" ["approach"]=> string(12) "Book chapter" ["coverageGeo"]=> string(0) "" ["coverageChron"]=> string(0) "" ["coverageSample"]=> string(0) "" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["keywords"]=> string(64) "English Language Teaching; Teaching English as a Second Language" ["fileName"]=> string(21) "26017-107231-1-PB.pdf" ["category"]=> string(0) "" ["allAuthorsAsStringList"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(22) "Judith Carini Martinez" } ["journalName"]=> string(25) "Equinox eBooks Publishing" ["isbn"]=> NULL ["primaryAuthor"]=> array(14) { ["authorId"]=> int(30564) ["fullname"]=> string(22) "Judith Carini Martinez" ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Judith" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(15) "Carini Martinez" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["primaryContact"]=> bool(true) ["email"]=> string(15) "[email protected]" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Almeria" ["mailingAddress"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["linkedToUser"]=> array(15) { ["userId"]=> int(79352) ["salutation"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Judith" ["middlename"]=> string(0) "" ["surname"]=> string(15) "Carini Martinez" ["gender"]=> NULL ["email"]=> string(15) "[email protected]" ["bio"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> string(21) "University of Almeria" ["username"]=> string(9) "jmartinez" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["country"]=> string(5) "Spain" ["fullname"]=> string(22) "Judith Carini Martinez" ["authorSummary"]=> string(76) "Judith Carini Martinez ([email protected] - jmartinez) 'University of Almeria'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(22) "Carini Martinez Judith" } ["authorSummary"]=> string(76) "Judith Carini Martinez ([email protected] - jmartinez) 'University of Almeria'" ["lastNameFirstname"]=> string(22) "Carini Martinez Judith" } ["niceFileName"]=> string(40) "Article_26017_Carini_Martinez_Judith.pdf" ["id"]=> int(26017) } } -->
Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy - Lexis and Corpus-Based Language Teaching - María Moreno Jaén

Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy - Lexis and Corpus-Based Language Teaching - María Moreno Jaén

14. 'Very' in Predicate Adjective Constructions: A Contrastive (English-Spanish) Discourse-Functional Approach Towards its Pedagogical Implementation

Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy - Lexis and Corpus-Based Language Teaching - María Moreno Jaén

Judith Carini Martinez
University of Almeria


1 Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Analysis and discussion of the data 4 Towards a discourse-functional approach 5 Towards a discourse-functional pedagogical implementation of 'very' 6 Concluding remarks

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Carini Martinez, Judith. 14. 'Very' in Predicate Adjective Constructions: A Contrastive (English-Spanish) Discourse-Functional Approach Towards its Pedagogical Implementation. Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy - Lexis and Corpus-Based Language Teaching. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 215-228 Dec 2010. ISBN 9781845536961. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=26017. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26017. Dec 2010

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