Framing Archaeology in the Near East - The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork - Ianir Milevski
Introduction: Social Theory and Archaeology
Framing Archaeology in the Near East - The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork - Ianir Milevski
Ianir Milevski [+ ]
Israel Antiquities Authority
Thomas E Levy [+ ]
University of California, San Diego
The introduction to the volume explain the goals in the organization of the workshop the topic of the influence of social theory in the archaeology of the Ancient Near East, conducted in the framework of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (8ICAANE). The workshop was intended to bring together international scholars working in the Middle East who actively apply social theory in their fieldwork. The volume presents debated themes amongst archaeologists working in the Middle East in which social theory has been applied. The introduction presents the different subjects in which the volume was divided and the fact that the volume presents different approaches in social theory applied to archaeology. The objective of the volume is not to provide a statement establishing the “program” for social theory and archaeology but to show the multiplicity of ways to utilize these theories in order to understand the archaeological record and the discipline of archaeology in the Middle East.