Communication in Surgical Practice - Sarah J. White

Communication in Surgical Practice - Sarah J. White

Chapter 13 Toward a Language of Operative Surgery

Communication in Surgical Practice - Sarah J. White

John A. Cartmill [+-]
Macquarie University
John A.Cartmill is a colorectal surgeon, Associate Dean, Clinical, and Professor of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Macquarie University.
David G. Butt
Macquarie University


This speculative chapter about the physical action of operative surgery is presented as a dialogue between surgeon and linguist. The value of the collaboration lies in the difference between the two perspectives, which the reader will appreciate are not in complete alignment. We hoped that both linguists and surgeons could read this chapter with the back and forth exchange clarifying the points being made from outside their respective fields. This chapter can be read as a monologue by concentrating on the one font.

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Cartmill, John ; Butt, David. Chapter 13 Toward a Language of Operative Surgery. Communication in Surgical Practice. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 312-330 Mar 2016. ISBN 9781781790502. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26413. Mar 2016

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