Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible - Ziony Zevit

Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible - Ziony Zevit

1. Echoes of Texts Past

Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible - Ziony Zevit

Ziony Zevit [+-]
American Jewish University
Ziony Zevit is Distinguished Professor of Biblical Literature and Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures at the American Jewish University. He is recognized for his publications in Hebrew language and linguistics and Israelite religion. He has served on several editorial boards--BASOR, CBQ, HAR, HS-- was Editor-in-Chief of Hebrew Studies for seven years, and is a past president of National Association of Professors of Hebrew. Zevit is the co-editor of Diachrony in Biblical Hebrew (2012) and his most recent book What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden? was published in 2013. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Rockefeller Foundation, Lady Davis Foundation, and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. During the 2013-14 academic year Zevit served as Seymour Gitin Distinguished Professor at the W.F. Albright Institute for Archaeological Research.


In his introduction to the volume, ZZ begins by exploring the confusion that ensues when allusions are made to a statement by Emily Dickinson by individuals unfamiliar with both the literary context of her observation as well as with the original text (in context) to which she referred. It goes on to consider the fuzzy semantics of allusion, the problems occasioned by its seeming clarity, and notes alternative terms proposed to replace it. The chapter also explores the intended audiences, modern and ancient, of allusions, citations, and translations. Finally it ventures hypotheses concerning the conservative social and language settings within which literature was created and disseminated in ancient Israel and their implications for determining the reality of allusions in extant Israelite literature.

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Zevit, Ziony. 1. Echoes of Texts Past. Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-21 May 2017. ISBN 9781781792674. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26698. May 2017

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