Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible - Ziony Zevit

Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible - Ziony Zevit

8. Isaiah 60–62 in Intertextual Perspective

Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible - Ziony Zevit

Marvin A. Sweeney
Claremont School of Theology


MAS understands intertextual as referring to the citation or allusion of one biblical text to other biblical texts, and to the dynamic interplay—as perceived by author and/or reader— between its meaning in its immediate literary context, and its meaning in relation to its broader literary world. On this basis MAS illustrates how Isa 60-62 can be explained in terms of its context in Trito-Isaiah and other post-exilic texts, and its having been embedded in Deutero-Isaiah and Proto-Isaiah.

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Sweeney, Marvin A. . 8. Isaiah 60–62 in Intertextual Perspective. Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 131-142 May 2017. ISBN 9781781792674. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26708. May 2017

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