From Trainee to Teacher - Reflective Practice for Novice Teachers - Thomas S.C. Farrell

From Trainee to Teacher - Reflective Practice for Novice Teachers - Thomas S.C. Farrell

'I Liked Hearing Other Ideas': Reflective Practice during the First Year

From Trainee to Teacher - Reflective Practice for Novice Teachers - Thomas S.C. Farrell

Thomas S.C. Farrell [+-]
Brock University
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Thomas S.C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. His professional interests include Reflective Practice, and Language Teacher Education & Development. He has published widely and has presented at major conferences worldwide on these topics. His webpage is:


Chapter 10 follows on from the previous chapter by outlining and discussing how novice teachers can continue their reflections in their first year which becomes especially important if they have no real induction program or mentor support and as a result, left to sink or swim. The chapter points out that novice ESL teachers can be helped through their challenging transition/praxis shock from the teacher education programs to the first year of teaching with the use of novice ESL teacher reflection groups so that they will swim and not sink.

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Farrell, Thomas . 'I Liked Hearing Other Ideas': Reflective Practice during the First Year. From Trainee to Teacher - Reflective Practice for Novice Teachers. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 123-136 Jan 2016. ISBN 9781845531959. Date accessed: 01 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27745. Jan 2016

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